Faculty Profile

We have very experienced and efficient staffs, both from technical and non-technical backgrounds, working with us.

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Sl.No. Designation Name Date of
joining institute
Date of
school/Matric Year of passing Certificate No.

Technical qualifications (Degree/Diploma, ITI,CTI)Branch year of passing
Certificate No. Of

Enclosed Certificate

Experience Details (Name of establishment & year of Experience)
Salary Salary
A/C Details Bank Name ,Branch& A/C No.
1 Principal/Head of the institute Dr.Subhanga Kishore Das 15.05.2017 PhD,Computer Science
2 Vice-Principal /Supdt. —- —- —- —- —- —- —- —-
3 Group Instructor-1(T.O.) P.K. Mallick CTS in D/M Civil A.T.I Trained, —- —-
4 AAA (Jr) G.C. Nayak —- —- CTS in MMV A.T.I Trained, —- —-
5 Instructor-1
———— —– —– —- —- —– —– —–
6 ATO Electrician —- —- —- —– —- —–
7 ATO Electrician S.Naik 30.07.2009 27.04.1983 1998 CTS in Electrician 3 years 9300 BOI, NOU, 551010110002698
8 ATO Wireman —– —- —- —- —– —–
9 ATO Wireman —- —- —- —– —- —- —- —–
10 ATO Welder —– —– ——– ——– —- 19730 —–
11 ATO Electronics —– —- —- —- —– —- —– ——
12 ATO D/Man Civil —– —- —- —– —– —- —–
13 ATO
P.L. Samal 10.08.2009 22.08.1969 1986 CTS in Fitter C.T.I Trained, 3
9300 BOI, NOU,
14 ATO
S. Mohanta 28.07.2009 03.01.1971 1987 CTS in Turner 3 years 9300 BOI, NOU,
15 ATO
S. Ghosh 14.08.2007 02.05.1977 1992 CTS in
5 years 9300 BOI, NOU,
16 ATO
R.K. parida 21.08.2007 07.07.1980 1995 CTS in
Diploma in Mech.,
5 years
9300 BOI, NOU,
17 PTI
cum HS
K. Puri 23.02.1998 07.04.1964 1982 20 years 18090 SBI, Ind.
Estate, 10464929967
18 Driver J. Majhi 25.07.1996 02.07.1968 2010 CTS DCM 20 years 11140 BOI, NOU,
19 Workshop Attandant L. K. Naik 06.12.1993 06.04.1961 class=ix 22 years 8570 BOI, NOU,
20 Workshop Attandant B Dutta 15.03.1990 07.06.1968 1992 22 years 8970 BOI, NOU,
21 Store Attendant L. K. Mohanta 27.10.1995 21.01.1967 class=ix 16 years 7880 SBI, Ind.
Estate, 10464993030


Administrative and Supporting Staff

Sl.No. Designation Name Date of joining institute Date of Birth Qualification Year of passing Certificate No. Experience Details (Name of establishment & year of Experiance) Salary Salary A/C Details Bank Name ,Branch & A/C No. Photograph
1 Sr. Clerk S. K. Sahu 10.10.2005 15.05.1963 1978 23 years 9840 BOI, NOU,551010100000889
2 A.S.K. C. Das 01.07.1996 01.10.1964 1979 22 years 12620 BOI, NOU,551010100000148
3 Sr. Clerk —– —— —– —– —- —- —–
4 Watchman —- —- —– —- —- ——-
5 Dresser N Behera 18.10.1989 24.01.1968 class=ix 22 years 9130 BOI, NOU, 551010100000382
6 Peon —— ——- ———- —— —- —-
7 Sweeper G. Jena 18.11.1996 15.02.1977 class=ix 16 years 8430 SBI, Ind. Estate, 10464988430
8 Sweeper K. Ghadei 01.05.1997 09.04.1976 class=ix 16 years 8550 BOI, NOU, 551010100000410
9 Sweeper —- —- —-
10 Sweeper P Mukhi 25.04.2011 05.01.1991 class=ix 2 years 6700 —-
